Hi bloggers! Today you’r
gonna speak about food.
I’m vegan, I don’t eat
meat, I don’t eat egg, I don’t drink milk and his derivatives, when I say this
the people question me “So, what do you eat?”, I’m accustomed to this question.
My possibility of eat well are infinity, for example, I eat many legumes like
the soja, like lentil, grain like rice, like couscous, like semolina, like
On the other hand, my
favourite of type food is Mexican’s food, because I like so much spicy things, I love bell pepper. Nevertheless,
I must accept than I love the french
fries with mustard and ketchup.
When I am bored, I
prepare a brownie with dried fruit and nuts hundred percent vegetal, it’s very tasty
(I’m hungry L hahaha).
In free time, after university,
I go to “Terrasano”, in which every food is vegan and delicious, I can pay with
my food allowance, is for this than I am fat.