Monday, December 19, 2016

Post 9: Changes to my Study Programme

Hi guys, in this opportunity I talk about of the changes to my study programme.
I’m studying Forestry in Universidad de Chile, and I love this career, because is very entertaining. However there are some subjects that I do not like, for example oratory.
This semester is ending, and is coming the summer time practice. We go to Malleco (nearby Temuco, in Región de la Araucarnía) and Pantanillos that are located nearby of Constitución, in Región Del Maule. In this journey, we visit some forest with Araucaria araucana, I love this tree.
In the next semester, my subject will be in general interesting, nevertheless, I have a subject called "Bases socioeconómicas y legales para la gestión forestal y ambiental" and I do not like the things of economy either legal things, but is necessary pass this subject to take the cardboard hehe.
Each year in the university is harder and the workload is a lot more. However, the human being is an animal of habit, is for this that I’m accustomed to this.
The faculty do not have the buildings necessary for all student, is for this that in halfway through the year, the student let start a strike, but this is other point. I hope that this problem will be resolve, because is a basic need.
In the next year, we will start with GIS (Geographic information system), this tool is very important to map a place, to prevent any disaster like a fire or proliferation of any pathogenic in the forest.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Post 3: My Favorite TV show

Hi guys, in this time I talk about of my favorite TV program/show.
I like a lot watch TV, because I forget how miserable the world where we live is. My favorite TV show is “Morande con Compañia” because this show isn’t sexist, on the contrary, this show is against the machismo.   
Morande con Compañia is a comedy show, it’s very fun and educative, somebody say that this show is clumsy and sexist, but I don’t understand to those.
I love to “Miguelito”, because he is a foreign hardworking and joker. Another character that I love is “La rupertina” because remember me to my ex-wife.

I like watch Morande con Compañia because ever they can make me smile. The episodes that I like are when in “El Muro” make parodies to politicians, because is a way to judge the currently politicians.

Post 8: Summer Holidays

Hi guys, in this post I talk about of summer holidays and I thinking to make in this period.
In summer holidays I want to travel and go to new places, I want get to know the national park called Parque Nacional  Queulat, located in the Región de Aysen, in the Chilean Patagonia. In this place exista an hanging glacier that interest me know.
Another place that I will visit is Chiloe, because in this island live my family, and each year I go to visit him.
I think that I will visit the central coast with few friends,  we will visit Quinteros like past years.
In other hand, is very interteining travel with a close friend, but sometimes is neccessary travel alone, and I hope that in this time (or maybe no jeje).  
In summer holidays I hope learn more of plants, I hope increase my knowledge in subject of recognition on plants, and I hope rest, because this year (2016) was very very powerful, considering that my subject are bianual, very different to other years.
In my free time I would like to any concert, because during this year I haven’t time to go to recital, or I haven’t money. In January, a band  called Tenemos Explosivos  they play in Santiago, but in that date (and if I pass all subject) I will be in Malleco in a summertime practice.  Nevertheless to ending of January, Tenemos Explosivos will play in Puerto Montt, and I hope that can go to this recital.