Monday, December 19, 2016

Post 9: Changes to my Study Programme

Hi guys, in this opportunity I talk about of the changes to my study programme.
I’m studying Forestry in Universidad de Chile, and I love this career, because is very entertaining. However there are some subjects that I do not like, for example oratory.
This semester is ending, and is coming the summer time practice. We go to Malleco (nearby Temuco, in Región de la Araucarnía) and Pantanillos that are located nearby of Constitución, in Región Del Maule. In this journey, we visit some forest with Araucaria araucana, I love this tree.
In the next semester, my subject will be in general interesting, nevertheless, I have a subject called "Bases socioeconómicas y legales para la gestión forestal y ambiental" and I do not like the things of economy either legal things, but is necessary pass this subject to take the cardboard hehe.
Each year in the university is harder and the workload is a lot more. However, the human being is an animal of habit, is for this that I’m accustomed to this.
The faculty do not have the buildings necessary for all student, is for this that in halfway through the year, the student let start a strike, but this is other point. I hope that this problem will be resolve, because is a basic need.
In the next year, we will start with GIS (Geographic information system), this tool is very important to map a place, to prevent any disaster like a fire or proliferation of any pathogenic in the forest.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Post 3: My Favorite TV show

Hi guys, in this time I talk about of my favorite TV program/show.
I like a lot watch TV, because I forget how miserable the world where we live is. My favorite TV show is “Morande con Compañia” because this show isn’t sexist, on the contrary, this show is against the machismo.   
Morande con Compañia is a comedy show, it’s very fun and educative, somebody say that this show is clumsy and sexist, but I don’t understand to those.
I love to “Miguelito”, because he is a foreign hardworking and joker. Another character that I love is “La rupertina” because remember me to my ex-wife.

I like watch Morande con Compañia because ever they can make me smile. The episodes that I like are when in “El Muro” make parodies to politicians, because is a way to judge the currently politicians.

Post 8: Summer Holidays

Hi guys, in this post I talk about of summer holidays and I thinking to make in this period.
In summer holidays I want to travel and go to new places, I want get to know the national park called Parque Nacional  Queulat, located in the Región de Aysen, in the Chilean Patagonia. In this place exista an hanging glacier that interest me know.
Another place that I will visit is Chiloe, because in this island live my family, and each year I go to visit him.
I think that I will visit the central coast with few friends,  we will visit Quinteros like past years.
In other hand, is very interteining travel with a close friend, but sometimes is neccessary travel alone, and I hope that in this time (or maybe no jeje).  
In summer holidays I hope learn more of plants, I hope increase my knowledge in subject of recognition on plants, and I hope rest, because this year (2016) was very very powerful, considering that my subject are bianual, very different to other years.
In my free time I would like to any concert, because during this year I haven’t time to go to recital, or I haven’t money. In January, a band  called Tenemos Explosivos  they play in Santiago, but in that date (and if I pass all subject) I will be in Malleco in a summertime practice.  Nevertheless to ending of January, Tenemos Explosivos will play in Puerto Montt, and I hope that can go to this recital. 

Monday, November 28, 2016

Post 7: Someone I'd like to meet

Hi bloggers, today I will talk about of someone I'd like to meet. 
I would like to meet to Ted Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber, because he was a radical activist for the Earth Liberation and Anarcho primitivism.

This person was a mathematics prodigy, he study in Harvard University since 16 years old, and he took a postgrade (doctorate) in Mathematics in University of Michigan. When he was 25 years old, he was assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley. He has an intellectual coefficient of 167, alike to Einstein and Hawking.

When he finished all his studies, he decided leave the society and build a hut in the forest of Montana, USA. He lived alone for since 1971 in a self-sufficient form, he hasn’t electricity and running water. In this place he decided start with attack to things that he considered harmful to the Earth, like the air traffic (they contaminate the air), also he attack with mail bombs to Universities in USA. 
He was known as the Unabomber because he attacks the Airline and Universities (UNiversity and Airline BOMBER). He was the most wanted “criminal” in the history of the FBI.

Based on the book of Henry Thoreau (also philosopher of anarcho primitivism) called “WALDEN, LIFE IN THE WOODS”, he written “Industrial Society and Its Future”, in this manifiesto, he explain why of his mail bombs, argued that was for attract attention of the harmful that the technology cause to the human freedom.

In 1996 FBI reach arrest to Kaczynski, and was condemned to four life sentences, and 30 years for kill 2 persons. 

Great rap song in honour of Unabomber.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Post 6: Postgraduate Studies

Hi guys, Today I will talk about of Postgraduate Studies that I would like take in the future.

The theme that I like is taxonomy and anatomy of plants, but study both is very expensive. I like anatomy because with this tool you will can know the fuctional features that was present in a ecosystem. The anatomy is of plants are very related with the ecology, because anatomy is a microscopy view of the functionality of vegetation in a ecosystem.

I would like to study in abroad, because in the abroad is where born the knowledge. In the East Coast of United States of America the taxonomy of plants are very developed, is for this that I would like study in these place.

In the other hand, in Europe, the anatomy of plants are very developed, specifically in Germany, but I have problems with learn other idioms, but I hope that this don't be impediment for me.

I would like take face to face class, because is the classic form and I would like work with a academic in the laboratory, besides learn more plants of the abroad.

If I can study in the abroad, I would like bring the knowledge to my country, for help to stop the destruction of the forest, and teaching to the people the importance of ours natural resources.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Post 5: My Future Job

Hi bloggers, I will talk about my future job. In this moment  I’m a student of Forestry, however in the future I want to work in a wood industry. This job is not popular among my classmate, but I like it.  I like this job, because you spend any  time in the forest, measuring trees and other things. In this job you will travel, watching any pine and eucalyptus plantations throughtout southern of Chile. The work in office is very entertaining, you will resolve any mathematics problems, any ecuations, creating models for predicting the volume of many trees. One of the best things that this job can give me is the harvest, because you can smell the resin of pines and the movement in soil by the fall of the trees. When they harvest, with the first rain of the autumn they must reforest, to prevent the erosion in that place. The plants that will be part of reforest, are cultivated in a garden center, the seed selected for the germination of these plants are collected from trees with aptitude for cultivation, for example, the form of tree to avoid any defect in wood. In this job you must make many decisions, for example, estrangement within trees. Thank for reading.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Post 4: Election Day

I born in democracy, but I don’t believe that this is democracy, when I’m walking in the street wears black, the police closer to me, he make me a identity check, this is not democracy, this is fascism and discrimination.
In election day I didn’t go to vote, but not for comfort, quite the contrary, because I don’t believe in this system, and I don’t believe that voting I can change the misery in my town, I prefer make something for my town with my own hands.
I believe that the electoral campaigns are only visual contamination and a war of egos between old man that want take money on a easy way, I hate see untrue smile in sign in any street, I believe that they are laughing of the people.
I will never in my life be an politican, If someday I want to work with people, never will be like a politican. I prefer help the people from anonymity.

I hope that in someday all the misery in this world ends, and all the persons that were humiliated be able to raise and can be happy, and all politicians and militaries pay for all tears and blood spilled. 

Monday, October 24, 2016

Post 2: The Best Concert I've ever seen

When I was 14, I meet a band called "Bane" like the enemy of Batman, they are from Worcester, Massachusetts, United States of America. This band has visited Chile in 2008 but in those days I didn't knew them. In 2014 the band post in his fan page that they have the last world tour because they will break up forever, also in this year Bane released a new album called "Don't wait up", in this album there was a song called "Calling hours" where many singers of the other bands collaborate in this chorus.

So, this band have the last world tour and I should go to the concert. I bought ticket to the concert 4 mouths before and I was very eager waiting for the day.

The day of concert, I got together with a friend that I don't seen a long time ago. When reach the local, Declive was playing like the supporting, after of all national bands played, beging playing Bane.

Was a very good moment, the vocals sharing the microphone with the public, and many people was did stage dive.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Post 1: A country I would like to visit

Hi bloggers, in this post I talk about the country that  I  would like to visit in the future.
Since I was child that  I have been interested in travelling  to Nepal, because I love the Himalayan, the big mountains and the glaciers. In otherword, the Sherpa people and  their  culture it's so interesting to learn, the stories that surround these peoples, etc. However, taking advantage of this trip, I would like to think throught Himalayan to Tibetan Plateau, to meet the Budism cultures and other culture that coexistent in this place. 
I would not like to study there, because this place does not obey the occidental culture, maybe I would like to learn informally with a monk, but it is not probable. 

In this place exist a branch that Budism culture considers sacred called "Bodhi tree", because in this tree Siddharta (Buddha) reach the illumination (Nirvana). This tree is very beautiful, and could be so tall, its roots are magnificent. In our Campus, there is  a  Bodhi tree, but it is not very tall. 

Monday, September 26, 2016


Hi bloggers, my name is Javian Gallardo, I am 20 years old, and I study Forestry in Universidad de Chile, I like this career so much, it’s so beautiful and interesting, because we have cover varied field of the nature. In this semester I hope to progress my skills in English language, because it’s important to read papers about different study that can help me in my work life.

LEVEL 4 TERM 2 2016

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Post 9 : Pets

Hi bloggers, this weekend was short for me, because during this week I has any test and homework. In this post I talk about of pets and domestic animals that I have had.
In my childhood, when I was five years old (2001), my mom brought to the house an dog and his breed was “Dachshund”, we called “Tommy” I don’t remember why hehe. Over time, Tommy got ill of his back, because the weight was to much for his long back, nevertheless he could overcome. In 2012 Tommy was attacked by 2 big dogs, was so horrible, they pierced his lung and lost a lot of blood, the vet say that my pet survived luckily, in those days my dog it was hard to breathe. In Junary of this year, when I was in Chiloe of holidays, my mom called me to say that Tommy died, I got very sad but after this news, I think about of the life that we give it, and the happiness that he gave us, that made ​​me feel better.
On the other hand, in May of 2015, Avellana came to my house, She’s 1 year old and is a beautiful cat, so cheerful and loving. I hope that she stays with me many more years. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Last post: Blog experience.

Hi bloggers, this is my last post, here i will talk about my experience during the English subject, this semester was very difficult for me, I was many subject, homework and report. Nevertheless also was very enjoyable and nutritious in terms of learning.
I believe that English was very importante for me in this semester, because in other subject I had to read many papers in this lenguage, and without help of this subject I had not gotten. Personally the listening are it most hard for me, is very hard understand a conversation of person native of this lenguage, because they talk very fast, however little by little beginning to learn more, this is only practice.
Write post in this Blog it has helped me for improve my English, also for read papers and magazine. In some thematics of the post I did not like them, because wasn't interesting for me, for example " My favourite piece of technology." but sometimes we have to do things we don't like.
In general, I liked English more than expected, and I learn so much to read and write and this like it so much. 
In this time I was learn so much about forestry, and this make me happy.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Post 8: A subject you've enjoyed studying this semester

In this term I got 7 subjects, Calculus and Algebra II with a teacher, statistics and probabilities, Structure and functioning of ecosystems, Growing and development of tree, English B1, Products and services of the forest and an elective named Arboretum. My favorite subject was Structure and functioning of ecosystems, that studies the basic process inside ecosystems, as the cycles of carbon, nitrogen, water, phosphorus, etc. Most of it's classes were practical activities, we had a field trip to Doñihue, a few miles away the coast of Rancagua, there we did different samplings to plots of 20x20 meters, where we define the specie that exist in the place, the crown cover, the status of the specie, also we did a test pit, and took samples of fallen leaves, which were taken to the laboratory of soil science, and quantify the carbon in our plot. It wasn’t easy at all, because for this is necessary mathematical knowledge for the calculations, and that is very difficult for me.
 This was my favorite subject because I understand the behavior of ecosystems especially the central zone ones, also the activities were very entertaining and dynamic.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Post 7 : A Career-Related Website OR an Expert on your field. 

 Carl Linnaeus. 

The person than I admire is Carl Linnaeus, this man is so important in the history of botany on international level.
Carl Linnaeus was born in 23 May of 1707 in the countryside of Smaland Råshult, in south side Sweden and he died in 10 January of 1778 in Uppsala . Carl study in Uppsala University, where learned about of Botany. Also he lived abroad where he reach published a first edition of “Systema Naturae” in the Netherlands.  Linnaeus was botanist, physician and zoologist, with that his fame swell exponentially.
Linnaeus  is known as “the father  of modern taxonomy”  product of his work with “Systema Naturae” and the modern system of naming organisms called “Binominal Nomenclature”, that mean for example: scientific name of Araucaria is “Araucaria araucana”, first is genus after the species. As well he agruped the genus in family, and this in class, and the class in kingdom.
The Linnaeus’s work liked me, because make a great advance in the biology, and the system of naming organisms persist until ours days, as well as is more easy compare two organisms with the scientific name.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Post 6 : Music

Hi blogger, How are you? Today the topics are Music. While my school was sit-in by the students (2011), I learn new things, different way of thinks and new music, until the 2011 the music then did like was things more commercial, for example System Of a Down, Slipknot, The Offspring, etc, but this change to some more radical.
Through music I met the Veganism, with a song of Heaven Shall Burn called "Voice of the voiceless", this band from Germany have a song in memory of Victor Jara and the dictatorship of 1973 called "The weapon they fear".
Since 2010 I'm go to Metal concert, but since 2011 I'm go to Hardcore shows, be based in self-management, The hardcore music are most politic than the Metal, is for this than I liked so much. In Santiago there bands than play politic music, for example: La Miseria de tu Rostro, Distopía, Zaherir among others, this music genre is called "Crust Punk" than is more pessimist in relation with the Hardcore Punk, but my favourite band in Chile is Esconder Mi Cara, because his lyrics talk about the Mapuche's resistance and the forest.
On an international level, the bands more influential for me was Black Flag, Los Crudos, Suicidal Tendencies, Heaven Shall Burn, and many more.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Hi bloggers!
Today I talk about of the photograph.
The photograph are  so as to capture a important moment, for example, a borning, a birthday, a beauty place, etc.
In my case, I like the photograph, i love take it.

Alerce. Parque Nacional Alerce Andino X Región.

The last year  I have bought a new camera, my objetive was take photograph to the plant.
 In the summer I went to Frutillar for academic reason, in that place I took much photographs, to the beauty  landscape, to plants than no have distribution here in Santiago. The rainforest of south of Chile is a good place for the lovers of the photography, because exist a great biodiversity, the forest are very     thick, In these ecosystem we have find a great number of species of plants and fauna per hectare.

Quebrada de la Plata Maipú. North slope versus South slope.

In Santiago also is a good place for the nature photography, in Quebrada de la Plata I find a great number of animals, and even though these ecosystem is dry, exist many Pteridophyta. In this place I reach took a great photograph, in this photograph I captured the difference between              north slope and south slope in a mediterranean climate.            

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Hi bloggers! Today you’r gonna speak about food.
I’m vegan, I don’t eat meat, I don’t eat egg, I don’t drink milk and his derivatives, when I say this the people question me “So, what do you eat?”, I’m accustomed to this question. My possibility of eat well are infinity, for example, I eat many legumes like the soja, like lentil, grain like rice, like couscous, like semolina, like quinoa.
On the other hand, my favourite of type food is Mexican’s food, because I like so much              spicy things, I love bell pepper. Nevertheless, I must   accept than I love the french fries with                mustard and ketchup.
When I am bored, I prepare a brownie with dried fruit and nuts hundred percent vegetal, it’s very tasty (I’m hungry  L hahaha).
In free time, after university, I go to “Terrasano”, in which every food is vegan and delicious, I can pay with my food allowance, is for this than I am fat.

Friday, April 22, 2016

My favourite piece of technology.

Hi bloggers! 
Today I talk about my favourite piece of technology, my favourite piece is the computer, since in this I can watch films, I can listen to music in reproductor, I can buy items in others far countries in a click of distance, in the computer be able to download millions of games and simulator for the operative system, it’s very amanzing and fanny.
The computer may cause problems when you misuse it, the deep web is very dangerous, because in this place you can find porn, paedophilia, hard drugs, hired assassin,  even you can get arrested only because of use it.

However the people can use the computer to learn about many things, biology, physics, maths, sports, different culture, history, geology and more things, because the information abound is to the hand.                                     

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Why did I choose Forestry?

Hi bloggers. What's up?

 When I was at school, my only preoccupation was pass school year, but when I grew up begin to interest for nature conservation and protection of Mother Earth, however the fact that my father's family living in south, exactly in Dalcahue, Chiloé island, influenced my choose and my preference for the Nature.
 In 2011, consequent of the student movement, my school was in occupation by student during seven months, I reproved voluntarily, this delay me one year. 
 At 2014 give a test called PSU (selection university test in english), in which get a acceptable score, and I matriculated in Universidad de Chile, in the faculty of Forest Science and Nature Conservation.
 Now I am in second year, it's very funny.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Post 1: My autobiography

Hi Bloggers, what happened?
Today I want talk about me and my life. My name is Javian Gallardo, I born in Santiago de Chile, one day wednesday of february seven in 1996, at the San José hospital. My mother is Susana and I'm his only son, we living in Lo Prado, in the west of the city. I have a pet, is called Avellana like the tree from south of Chile, is a cat and so beautiful. 
I study Forestry at Universidad de Chile, in Santiago. I'm in the second year. I love the plants and the ecology. 
My favorite type of music is the Hardocore Punk and everything about of the social criticism.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Hello, this is my first post in this place, I do not know what to write