Monday, August 15, 2016

Post 8: A subject you've enjoyed studying this semester

In this term I got 7 subjects, Calculus and Algebra II with a teacher, statistics and probabilities, Structure and functioning of ecosystems, Growing and development of tree, English B1, Products and services of the forest and an elective named Arboretum. My favorite subject was Structure and functioning of ecosystems, that studies the basic process inside ecosystems, as the cycles of carbon, nitrogen, water, phosphorus, etc. Most of it's classes were practical activities, we had a field trip to Doñihue, a few miles away the coast of Rancagua, there we did different samplings to plots of 20x20 meters, where we define the specie that exist in the place, the crown cover, the status of the specie, also we did a test pit, and took samples of fallen leaves, which were taken to the laboratory of soil science, and quantify the carbon in our plot. It wasn’t easy at all, because for this is necessary mathematical knowledge for the calculations, and that is very difficult for me.
 This was my favorite subject because I understand the behavior of ecosystems especially the central zone ones, also the activities were very entertaining and dynamic.


  1. Hi Javian, Development of three is the best subject. Bye

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hi! My favourite subjecte is "Structure and functioning of ecosystems" like you


  4. We must make the report of Structure and functioning of ecosystems :(((((

  5. hello javian that good subject that is the best of the semester.
