Post 9 : Pets
Hi bloggers, this weekend was short for me, because
during this week I has any test and homework. In this post I talk about of pets
and domestic animals that I have had.
In my childhood, when I was five years old (2001), my
mom brought to the house an dog and his breed was “Dachshund”, we called “Tommy”
I don’t remember why hehe. Over time, Tommy got ill of his back, because the
weight was to much for his long back, nevertheless he could overcome. In 2012 Tommy
was attacked by 2 big dogs, was so horrible, they pierced his lung and lost a
lot of blood, the vet say that my pet survived luckily, in those days my dog it
was hard to breathe. In Junary of this year, when I was in Chiloe of holidays,
my mom called me to say that Tommy died, I got very sad but after this news, I
think about of the life that we give it, and the happiness that he gave us, that
made me feel better.
On the other hand, in May of 2015, Avellana came to my
house, She’s 1 year old and is a beautiful cat, so cheerful and loving. I hope
that she stays with me many more years.