Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Post 9 : Pets

Hi bloggers, this weekend was short for me, because during this week I has any test and homework. In this post I talk about of pets and domestic animals that I have had.
In my childhood, when I was five years old (2001), my mom brought to the house an dog and his breed was “Dachshund”, we called “Tommy” I don’t remember why hehe. Over time, Tommy got ill of his back, because the weight was to much for his long back, nevertheless he could overcome. In 2012 Tommy was attacked by 2 big dogs, was so horrible, they pierced his lung and lost a lot of blood, the vet say that my pet survived luckily, in those days my dog it was hard to breathe. In Junary of this year, when I was in Chiloe of holidays, my mom called me to say that Tommy died, I got very sad but after this news, I think about of the life that we give it, and the happiness that he gave us, that made ​​me feel better.
On the other hand, in May of 2015, Avellana came to my house, She’s 1 year old and is a beautiful cat, so cheerful and loving. I hope that she stays with me many more years. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Last post: Blog experience.

Hi bloggers, this is my last post, here i will talk about my experience during the English subject, this semester was very difficult for me, I was many subject, homework and report. Nevertheless also was very enjoyable and nutritious in terms of learning.
I believe that English was very importante for me in this semester, because in other subject I had to read many papers in this lenguage, and without help of this subject I had not gotten. Personally the listening are it most hard for me, is very hard understand a conversation of person native of this lenguage, because they talk very fast, however little by little beginning to learn more, this is only practice.
Write post in this Blog it has helped me for improve my English, also for read papers and magazine. In some thematics of the post I did not like them, because wasn't interesting for me, for example " My favourite piece of technology." but sometimes we have to do things we don't like.
In general, I liked English more than expected, and I learn so much to read and write and this like it so much. 
In this time I was learn so much about forestry, and this make me happy.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Post 8: A subject you've enjoyed studying this semester

In this term I got 7 subjects, Calculus and Algebra II with a teacher, statistics and probabilities, Structure and functioning of ecosystems, Growing and development of tree, English B1, Products and services of the forest and an elective named Arboretum. My favorite subject was Structure and functioning of ecosystems, that studies the basic process inside ecosystems, as the cycles of carbon, nitrogen, water, phosphorus, etc. Most of it's classes were practical activities, we had a field trip to DoƱihue, a few miles away the coast of Rancagua, there we did different samplings to plots of 20x20 meters, where we define the specie that exist in the place, the crown cover, the status of the specie, also we did a test pit, and took samples of fallen leaves, which were taken to the laboratory of soil science, and quantify the carbon in our plot. It wasn’t easy at all, because for this is necessary mathematical knowledge for the calculations, and that is very difficult for me.
 This was my favorite subject because I understand the behavior of ecosystems especially the central zone ones, also the activities were very entertaining and dynamic.